广 明 老 师 预 测 案 例 (1)
我和他的工作和生活怎样?钱能够花吗?以后会在哪定居? 我多大能有小孩?有没有有一男一女的命呢?
1. “他是个怎样的人?”---- 温和、斯文、细心、多情。
2. “做什么的?”---- 教师、金融、传媒、经纪行业的可能性较大。
3. “在哪碰到?”---- 同事、同学、朋友或兄弟姐妹介绍。
4. “什么时候结婚?”---- 明年(农历2015)结婚的可能性为90%。
5. “能看出他哪年哪月的就更好了”---- 属鼠和猪的可能性比较大。
6. “我和他的工作和生活怎样?钱能够花吗?”---- 你们的开销会比较大,赚的钱存不下来,一般开销足够花,要加强理财。
7. “以后会在哪定居?”---- 会以他为主,迁移到他生活工作的地方。
8. “哪年哪月遇到正缘?”---- 先想想你以前,特别是去年有没有遇到有以上特征的男士,如果没有的话,要等到明年他才会出现或重新出现。
9. “我多大能有小孩?”---- 农历2016.
10. “有没有有一男一女的命呢?”---- 有,先女后男。
11. “还有我何时能找个稳定工作?”---- 明年(农历2015)
您很厉害,有一个人1,2,3,5,7 全部符合。
还有个朋友只有1,3符合, 但是认识比较久.
广 明 老 师 预 测 案 例 (2)
David XXX:
David XXX:
广 明 老 师 预 测 案 例 (3)
广 明 老 师 预 测 案 例 (4)
广 明 老 师 预 测 案 例 (5)
广 明 老 师 预 测 案 例 (6)
Miss T:
I want to know how having a child will alter my life. This is my birth time: 19XX, XXth April, 4.10am GMT +8
Guangming (aoefengshui):
Hello, from your zwds chart:
1. good at talking & speaking.
2. life is up and down all the time.
3. your baby will bring you luck, your life will be much better afterwards.
Miss T:
1. “good at talking & speaking” ------ Yes
2. “life is up and down all the time” ------ Yes
3. “your baby will bring you luck, your life will be much better afterwards” ------ Wow, that good to hear. How so? Financially or marriage or people or career luck?
Guangming (aoefengshui):
Q:" 'your baby will bring you luck, your life will be much better afterwards'--- Wow, that good to hear. How so? Financially or marriage or people or career luck?"
A: Should say everything would be better. If you came to me early, I would suggest you to get pregnant early.
Miss T:
I also want to get pregnant earlier but I just got married last Nov and we wanted to enjoy life first. But thought not young anymore and better not push it. We got it on first try, so I'm very thankful and think this bb is fated to be.
I've read up on zwds but only know the basic. Haven't been able to find out how to read pregnancy.
Guangming (aoefengshui):
Let me try to explain why you had the sign of pregnancy for year 2014 & 2015 (lunar calendar).
1. For sign of pregnancy, we need to look at wife’s chart, not the husband’s.
2. The most important palace for pregnancy is the Health Palace of 10 years.
3. We need to look at if any sign of “Change” or “Movement” of this Health Palace of 10 years.
4. In flying star ZWDS, “Self-Hua” or “Self-Hua to the opposite Palace” means there will be some changes at this Palace of 10 years.
5. “Self-Hua (Lu & Ke) or “Self-Hua (Lu & Ke) to the opposite Palace” always mean good/positive sign. “(Quan)” is not that good, and “Ji” belongs to bad/difficult/ Negative etc.
6. The meaning of “Self-Hua” and “Self-Hua to the opposite Palace” will make a long story. Now just remember that “Self-Hua” and “Self-Hua to the opposite Palace” means “Change”.
7. “Wife” + “Health of 10 years” + "Suitable Age (say in their 20’s or 30’s)”+“Change” = Pregnancy. (Not 100%, but always like this).
8. Ok, you will get pregnant during “36-45”.
9. Now we will go to find which year.
10. In ZWDS, if something happened in one palace, then it will also impact the opposite palace.
11. First: Chou Palace Self-Hua will impact the opposite palace (Wei Palace). Year 2015 will go to Wei Palace. So you had the sign of pregnant in Year 2015.
12. Second: When “Self-Hua”, we need to look at the same original Si-Hua. In other words, when “Self-Hua Lu”, we need to find where is Hua Lu. Because the Hua Lu palace will have “vibration” at the same time when “Self-Hua Lu" changing. In your case, we need to look at Zi Palace which is Hua Lu located. And again Zi Palace will impact the opposite Palace which is Wu Palace. So you also had the sign of pregnancy this year (Year 2014).
您当时给我的忠告神准(详情见下)。我在2013年春末找到现在的工作,的确如您所言,不太理想。关键是我的专业背景几乎无用武之地 ......
> 广明老师2013年年初的预测:
> 1. 过完年有找到工作的运程,但满意度可能稍差,可以先干起来,等运气转好的时候再换。
> 2. 未来五年还会有些动荡,调节好自己的心态,把不顺当成生活给予的一种磨练。
> 3. ......
前段时间选了几只股票,其中3只被停牌了,今天第4只!!!--- 看样子用紫微斗数选 “停牌股” 还是比较准的。
紫微斗数中的天姚星代表风流与桃花,天刑星代表是非。天姚在命宫时,天刑一定在财帛宫,两者会有因果关系。前几天来算命的一位老板其天姚的桃花运程正好走到,我推断他今年会因不当的桃花而产生是非。随后他告诉我确实与一位下属有染,还给了她不少钱,现在进退两难,求化解之道 ......
Following was my prediction on Chinese Stock Market at the public media on Sep 24, 2014:
“… from Zi-Wei-Dou-Shu point of view, Chinese Stock Market would have a huge rally in near future.”
The fact:
The Stock Index on Sep 24, 2014: 2302.
The Stock Index on May 27, 2015: 4915.
The environment of the country might be different, but the basic system of Metaphysics would be the same.